Contents of this section:
- Pointer to derived objects
- Virtual functions and polymorphism
1. Pointer to derived objects
Code Listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Poly/PtrDerived.cpp
// Purpose: Using base pointers on derived class objects.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class B_class {
char author[80];
void put_author(char *s) { strcpy(author, s); }
void show_author() { cout << author << "\n"; }
} ;
class D_class : public B_class {
char title[80];
void put_title(char *num) {
strcpy(title, num);
void show_title() {
cout << "Title: ";
cout << title << "\n";
int main()
B_class *p;
B_class B_ob;
D_class *dp;
D_class D_ob;
p = &B_ob; // address of base
// Access B_class via pointer.
p->put_author("Tom Clancy");
// Access D_class via base pointer.
p = &D_ob;
p->put_author("William Shakespeare");
// Show that each author went into proper object.
cout << "\n";
/* Since put_title() and show_title() are not part
of the base class, they are not accessible via
the base pointer p and must be accessed either
directly, or, as shown here, through a pointer to the
derived type.
dp = &D_ob;
dp->put_title("The Tempest");
p->show_author(); // either p or dp can be used here.
dp->show_title( );
return 0;
Running session:
@9:35am merc-hu[76]% CC -LANG:std PtrDerived.cpp -o PtrDerived
@9:35am merc-hu[77]% PtrDerived
Tom Clancy
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
Title: The Tempest
@9:35am merc-hu[78]%
2. Virtual functions and polymorphism
Code listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Poly/VirtualPoly.cpp
// Purpose: Vitual function and polymorphism
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class figure {
double x, y;
void set_dim(double i, double j=0) {
x = i;
y = j;
virtual void show_area() {
cout << "No area computation defined ";
cout << "for this class.\n";
} ;
class triangle : public figure {
void show_area() {
cout << "Triangle with height ";
cout << x << " and base " << y;
cout << " has an area of ";
cout << x * 0.5 * y << ".\n";
class square : public figure {
void show_area() {
cout << "Square with dimensions ";
cout << x << "x" << y;
cout << " has an area of ";
cout << x * y << ".\n";
class circle : public figure {
void show_area() {
cout << "Circle with radius ";
cout << x;
cout << " has an area of ";
cout << 3.14 * x * x << ".\n";
} ;
int main()
figure *p; // create a pointer to base type
triangle t; // create objects of derived types
square s;
circle c;
p = &t;
p->set_dim(10.0, 5.0);
p = &s;
p->set_dim(10.0, 5.0);
p = &c;
return 0;
Running session:
@9:41am merc-hu[82]% CC -LANG:std VirtualPoly.cpp -o VirtualPoly
@9:41am merc-hu[83]% VirtualPoly
Triangle with height 10 and base 5 has an area of 25.
Square with dimensions 10x5 has an area of 50.
Circle with radius 9 has an area of 254.34.
Contents of this section:
- A simple program demonstrating structure
- Nested structure
- Using functions in structure
1. A simple program demonstrating structure
Code Listing:
// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Structure/StrucSimple.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates the use of structure in C++.
// Stores some personal data in a structure, then prints
// the info out.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Defining a structure
struct PersonalData
char *FirstName;
char *LastName;
char *Birthday; // in the format of 12/30/1978
int PhoneNum;
}; // don't forget the ending ";"
// Declaring a variable of type PersonalData
PersonalData PersonOne;
// Populate PersonOne with data
PersonOne.FirstName = "John";
PersonOne.LastName = "Doe";
PersonOne.Birthday = "12/30/1978";
PersonOne.PhoneNum = 5855555;
// Print the data out
cout << "PersonOne's First name is: " << PersonOne.FirstName << endl;
cout << "PersonOne's Last name is: " << PersonOne.LastName<< endl;
cout << "PersonOne's Birthday is: " << PersonOne.Birthday<< endl;
cout << "PersonOne's Phone number is: " << PersonOne.PhoneNum<< endl;
return 0;
Running session:
@9:51am merc-hu[34]% CC -LANG:std StrucSimple.cpp -o StrucSimple
@9:52am merc-hu[35]% StrucSimple
PersonOne's First name is: John
PersonOne's Last name is: Doe
PersonOne's Birthday is: 12/30/1978
PersonOne's Phone number is: 5855555
@9:52am merc-hu[36]%
2. Nested structure
Code listing:
// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Structure/StrucSimple.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates the use of nested structure in C++.
// Stores some personal data in a structure, then prints
// the info out.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Defining a structure for name
struct Name
char *FirstName;
char *LastName;
struct PersonalData
Name NameField; // struct as a memeber
char *Birthday; // in the format of 12/30/1978
int PhoneNum;
}; // don't forget the ending ";"
// Declaring a variable of type PersonalData
PersonalData PersonOne;
PersonOne.NameField.FirstName = "John";
PersonOne.NameField.LastName = "Doe";
// Populate PersonOne with data
PersonOne.Birthday = "12/30/1978";
PersonOne.PhoneNum = 5855555;
// Print the data out
cout << "First name is: " << PersonOne.NameField.FirstName << endl;
cout << "Last name is: " << PersonOne.NameField.LastName<< endl;
cout << "Birthday is: " << PersonOne.Birthday<< endl;
cout << "Phone number is: " << PersonOne.PhoneNum<< endl;
return 0;
Running session:
@9:59am merc-hu[45]% CC -LANG:std StructNested.cpp -o StructNest
@10:00am merc-hu[47]% StructNest
First name is: John
Last name is: Doe
Birthday is: 12/30/1978
Phone number is: 5855555
@10:00am merc-hu[48]%
3. Using functions in structure
Code Listing:
// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Structure/StrucSimple.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates the use of funciton in C++ struct.
// Stores some personal data in a structure, then prints
// the info out.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
struct PersonalData
char *FirstName;
char *LastName;
char *Birthday; // in the format of 12/30/1978
int PhoneNum;
// struc can also have member functions
void PrintDat()
// Print the data out
cout << "First name is: " << FirstName << endl;
cout << "Last name is: " << LastName << endl;
cout << "Birthday is: " << Birthday << endl;
cout << "Phone number is: " << PhoneNum << endl;
}; // don't forget the ending ";"
// Declaring a variable of type PersonalData
PersonalData PersonOne;
// Populate PersonOne with data
PersonOne.FirstName = "John";
PersonOne.LastName = "Doe";
PersonOne.Birthday = "12/30/1978";
PersonOne.PhoneNum = 5855555;
return 0;
Running session:
@10:07am merc-hu[51]% CC -LANG:std StrucFunc.cpp -o StrucFunc
@10:08am merc-hu[52]% StrucFunc
First name is: John
Last name is: Doe
Birthday is: 12/30/1978
Phone number is: 5855555
Formatted I/O, File I/O
Contents of this section:
- Formatted I/O using ios member functions
- Formatted I/O using I/O manipulators
- Define your own I/O manipulators
- File I/O: Writing to a text file
- File I/O: Reading from a text file
1. Formatted I/O using ios member functions
Code Listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/IO/IOMember.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrating formatted IO using ios member functions
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float num[5] = {1.0, -1.2345, 2350.1, 23.4, 45.34};
int i;
cout.setf(ios::showpos); // show the + sign before positive numbers
cout.setf(ios::scientific); // use scientific notation
cout.precision(2); // two digits after decimal point
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout.width(20); // use 10 spaces for the number
cout.fill('$'); // pad with $
cout << num[i] << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[148]% CC -LANG:std IOMember.cpp -o IOMember
mercury[149]% IOMember
2. Formatted I/O using I/O manipulators
Code listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/IO/IOMember.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrating formatted IO manipulators
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
float num[5] = {1.0, -1.2345, 2350.1, 23.4, 45.34};
int i;
cout << setiosflags(ios::showpos);
cout << setiosflags(ios::scientific);
cout << setprecision(2);
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << setw(20);
cout << setfill('$');
cout << num[i] << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[156]% CC -LANG:std IOManip.cpp -o IOManip
mercury[157]% IOManip
3. Define your own I/O manipulators
Code listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/IO/IOUserManip.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates how to define an IO manipulator function
// of your own.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// function prototype for a user-defined IO manipulator function
ostream &SetHex(ostream &stream);
int main()
int input;
cout << "Enter an integer: " ;
cin >> input;
cout << "Hexdecimal is: ";
// call the SetHex function so that the input
// integer will be printed out in hexdecimal
cout << SetHex << input << endl;
return 0;
// definition of a user defined I/O manipulate function
ostream &SetHex(ostream &stream)
// Set output base to be hexdecimal.
// Use ios::basefield to make sure that all other
// field in basefield is cleared before setting it
// to hex.
return stream;
Running session:
mercury[200]% CC -LANG:std IOUserManip.cpp -o IOUserManip
mercury[201]% IOUserManip
Enter an integer: 19
Hexdecimal is: 13
4. File I/O: Writing to a text file
Code Lising
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/IO/FileWrite.cpp
// Purpose: Write to text file
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char OutFile[80]; // output file name
ofstream OutStream; // open an output stream
cout << "Please enter output file name: " ;
cin >> OutFile;
OutStream.open(OutFile, ios::out | ios::trunc);
// make sure file is successfully opened
cout << "Error open file " << OutFile << " for writing\n";
return 1;
// Write the following two lines to file
OutStream<<"It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.\n";
OutStream <<" -- Leonardo da Vinci" << endl;
OutStream.close(); // close output stream
cout << "Content written to " << OutFile <<".\n";
return 0;
Running Session
mercury[298]% CC -LANG:std FileWrite.cpp -o FileWrite
mercury[299]% FileWrite
Please enter output file name: out.txt
Content written to out.txt.
5. File I/O: Reading from a text file
Code Lising
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/IO/FileRead.cpp
// Purpose: Read the content of a text file and print it
// out on the screen
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char InFile[80]; // input file name
char ch;
ifstream InStream;
cout << "This program reads the content of a file and ";
cout << "prints it out on the screen." << endl;
cout << "Enter input file name: " ;
cin >> InFile;
// Open file for input
// in.open(fin); also works
InStream.open(InFile, ios::in);
// ensure file is opened successfully
cout << "Error open file " << InFile << endl;
return 1;
cout << "Here is the content of " << InFile << ":\n";
// Read in each character until eof character is read.
// Output it to screen.
while (!InStream.eof()) {
//Read each character.
// make sure we don't write any odd characters on screen
if (!InStream.eof())
cout << ch; //Write to screen
Running Session
mercury[243]% CC -LANG:std FileRead.cpp -o FileRead
mercury[244]% FileRead
This program reads the content of a file and prints it out on the screen.
Enter input file name: test.txt
Here is the content of test.txt:
It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.
Contents of this section:
- A Simple program finding the absolute value of an integer (without using function)
- A Simple program finding the absolute value of an integer (using a function)
1. A Simple program without using functions
Code Listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Functions/Absolute1.cpp
// Purpose: This program find the absolute value of an integer
// without using a function
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int number;
int abs_number;
// Ask for input
cout << "This program finds the absolute value of an integer." << endl;
cout << "Enter an integer (positive or negative): ";
cin >> number;
// Find the absolute value
if(number >= 0)
abs_number = number;
abs_number = -number;
// Print out output
cout << "The absolute value of " << number << " is " << abs_number;
cout << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[50]% CC -LANG:std Absolute1.cpp -o Absolute1
mercury[51]% Absolute1
This program finds the absolute value of an integer.
Enter an integer (positive or negative): -45
The absolute value of -45 is 45
mercury[52]% Absolute1
This program finds the absolute value of an integer.
Enter an integer (positive or negative): 0
The absolute value of 0 is 0
mercury[53]% Absolute1
This program finds the absolute value of an integer.
Enter an integer (positive or negative): 9
The absolute value of 9 is 9
2. The same program using function
Code listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Functions/Absolute2.cpp
// Purpose: This program finds the absolute value of an integer
// using a function
int Abs(int i); // Function prototype
int main()
int number;
int abs_number;
cout << "This program finds the absolute value of an integer." << endl;
cout << "Enter an integer (positive or negative): ";
cin >> number;
// Calling the function Abs()
abs_number = Abs(number);
cout << "The absolute value of " << number << " is " << abs_number;
cout << endl;
return 0;
// Function definition
int Abs(int i)
if( i >= 0)
return i;
return -i;
Running session:
mercury[56]% CC -LANG:std Absolute2.cpp -o Absolute2
mercury[57]% Absolute2
This program finds the absolute value of an integer.
Enter an integer (positive or negative): -45
The absolute value of -45 is 45
mercury[58]% Absolute2
This program finds the absolute value of an integer.
Enter an integer (positive or negative): 0
The absolute value of 0 is 0
mercury[59]% Absolute2
This program finds the absolute value of an integer.
Enter an integer (positive or negative): -9
The absolute value of -9 is 9
Contents of this section:
- A simple program demonstrating inheritance
- Using protected members
- Protected inheritance
- Multiple inheritance
- Calling base class's constructor in derived class
1. A simple program demonstrating inheritance
Code Listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Inheritance/SimpleInherit.cpp
// Purpose: A simple program showing inheritance
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base {
int i, j;
void set(int a, int b) { i = a; j = b; }
void show() { cout << i << " " << j << "\n"; }
// inheritance
class derived : public base {
int k;
derived(int x) { k = x; }
void showk() { cout << k << "\n"; }
int main()
derived ob(3);
ob.set(1, 2); // access member of base
ob.show(); // access member of base
ob.showk(); // uses member of derived class
return 0;
Running session:
@2:32pm merc-hu[211]% CC -LANG:std SimpleInherit.cpp -o SimpleInherit
@2:33pm merc-hu[212]% SimpleInherit
1 2
@2:33pm merc-hu[213]%
2. Using protected members
Code listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/inheritance/ProtectedMember.cpp
// Purpose: Inherite protected members of the base class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base {
int i, j; // private to base, but accessible to derived
void set(int a, int b) { i = a; j = b; }
void show() { cout << i << " " << j << "\n"; }
class derived : public base {
int k;
// derived may access base's i and j
void setk() { k = i*j; }
void showk() { cout << k << "\n"; }
int main()
derived ob;
ob.set(2, 3); // OK, known to derived
ob.show(); // OK, known to derived
return 0;
Running session:
@10:48am merc-hu[18]% CC -LANG:std ProtectedMember.cpp -o ProtectedMember
@10:49am merc-hu[19]% ProtectedMember
2 3
@10:50am merc-hu[20]%
3. Protected inheritance
Code Listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Inheritance/ProtectedInheritance.cpp
// Purpose: using protected for inheritance of a base class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base {
int i;
int j;
int k;
void seti(int a) { i = a; }
int geti() { return i; }
// Inherit base as protected.
class derived : protected base {
void setj(int a) { j = a; } // j is protected here
void setk(int a) { k = a; } // k is also protected
int getj() { return j; }
int getk() { return k; }
int main()
derived ob;
/* This next line is illegal because seti() is
a protected member of derived, which makes it
inaccessible outside of derived. */
// ob.seti(10);
// cout << ob.geti(); // illegal -- geti() is protected
// ob.k = 10; // also illegal because k is protected
// these next statements are OK
cout << ob.getk() << ' ';
cout << ob.getj() << ' ';
return 0;
Running session:
@10:59am merc-hu[25]% CC -LANG:std ProtectedInheritance.cpp -o ProtectedInheritance
@10:59am merc-hu[26]% ProtectedInheritance
10 12
@10:59am merc-hu[27]%
4. Multiple inheritance
Code Listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Inheritance/MulInhert.cpp
// Purpose: An example of multiple base classes.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base1 {
int x;
void showx() { cout << x << "\n"; }
class base2 {
int y;
void showy() { cout << y << "\n"; }
// Inherit multiple base classes.
class derived: public base1, public base2 {
void set(int i, int j) { x = i; y = j; }
int main()
derived ob;
ob.set(10, 20); // provided by derived
ob.showx(); // from base1
ob.showy(); // from base2
return 0;
Running session:
@11:04am merc-hu[32]% CC -LANG:std MulInherit.cpp -o MulInherit
@11:05am merc-hu[33]% MulInherit
@11:05am merc-hu[34]%
5. Calling base class's constructor in derived class
Code Listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Inheritance/BaseConst.cpp
// Purpose: demonstrate how to call base class's constructor
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base1 {
int i;
base1(int x) { i = x; cout << "Constructing base1\n"; }
~base1() { cout << "Destructing base2\n"; }
class base2 {
int k;
base2(int x) { k = x; cout << "Constructing base2\n"; }
~base2() { cout << "Destructing base2\n"; }
class derived: public base1, public base2 {
int j;
derived(int x, int y, int z): base1(y), base2(z)
{ j = x; cout << "Constructing derived\n"; }
~derived() { cout << "Destructing derived\n"; }
void show() { cout << i << " " << j << " " << k << "\n"; }
int main()
derived ob(3, 4, 5);
ob.show(); // displays 4 3 5
return 0;
Running session:
@11:11am merc-hu[35]% CC -LANG:std BaseConst.cpp -o BaseConst
@11:12am merc-hu[36]% BaseConst
Constructing base1
Constructing base2
Constructing derived
4 3 5
Destructing derived
Destructing base2
Destructing base2
Contents of this section:
- A simple program demonstrating references
- Function: passing by references
1. A simple program demonstrating references
Code Listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Reference/RefSimple.cpp
// Purpose: A simple program demonstrating the use of reference
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int Len, Wid; // declare int variables
// Create references to int variables.
// Now rLen and Len are aliases to each other,
// and rWid and Wid are also aliases to each other.
int &rLen = Len;
int &rWid = Wid;
// Initialized the two int variables
Len = 10; // rLen is also initialized to be 10
Wid = 20; // rWid is also initialized to be 20
// Printing out the values for int and int references
cout << "Len is: " << Len << ", and Wid is: " << Wid << endl;
cout << "rLen is: " << rLen << ", and rWid is: " << rWid << endl;
cout << endl;
// Printing out the address of int and references to int
cout << "Address of Len is: " << &Len << endl;
cout << "Address of rLen is: " << &rLen << endl;
if(&Len == &rLen)
cout << "Address of Len is equal to address of rLen!" << endl;
cout << "Address of Wid is: " << &Wid << endl;
cout << "Address of rWid is: " << &rWid << endl;
if(&Wid == &Wid)
cout << "Address of Wid is equal to address of rWid!" << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[39]% CC -LANG:std RefSimple.cpp -o RefSimple
mercury[40]% RefSimple
Len is: 10, and Wid is: 20
rLen is: 10, and rWid is: 20
Address of Len is: 2147429924
Address of rLen is: 2147429924
Address of Len is equal to address of rLen!
Address of Wid is: 2147429932
Address of rWid is: 2147429932
Address of Wid is equal to address of rWid!
2. Function: passing by references
Code listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Reference/RefFunction.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates pass by reference in a function
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void swap(int &i, int &j); // function prototype for swapping two values
int main()
int NumOne = 0;
int NumTwo = 0;
cout << "Please enter two integers: " << endl;
cout << "Enter value for NumOne: " ;
cin >> NumOne;
cout << "Enter value for NumTwo: " ;
cin >> NumTwo;
cout << "Before swapping, NumOne is: " << NumOne << endl;
cout << "Before swapping, NumTwo is: " << NumTwo<< endl;
swap(NumOne, NumTwo);
cout << "After swapping, NumOne is: " << NumOne << endl;
cout << "After swapping, NumTwo is: " << NumTwo<< endl;
return 0;
// function definition for swap()
void swap(int &i, int &j)
int temp;
temp = i;
i = j;
j = temp;
Running session:
mercury[51]% CC -LANG:std RefFunction.cpp -o RefFunction
mercury[52]% RefFunction
Please enter two integers:
Enter value for NumOne: 10
Enter value for NumTwo: 20
Before swapping, NumOne is: 10
Before swapping, NumTwo is: 20
After swapping, NumOne is: 20
After swapping, NumTwo is: 10
Contents of this section:
- One dimensional integer array
- One dimensional character array (C-string)
- Two dimensional integer array
- Two dimensional character array (Array of strings)
1. One dimensional integer array
Code Listing:
// Author: Herbert Schildt
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cpluslus/Array1.cpp
// Purpose: Read 10 integers into an array and then print
// them out
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int sample[10]; // this reserves 10 integer elements
int t;
// load the array
for(t = 0; t < 10; t++)
sample[t] = t;
// display the array
for(t = 0; t < 10; ++t)
cout << sample[t] << ' ' ;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[34]% CC -LANG:std Array1.cpp -o Array1
mercury[35]% Array1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mercury[36]%
2. One dimensional character array (C-string)
Code listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Array/Array2.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrate the use of character array.
// Ask for the user's name and print it out.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> //for newer compilers, include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
char name[32]; // big enough to hold 32 characters
// prompt for the name
cout << "What's your name?" << endl;
gets(name); // read a string from the key board.
cout << "Hello! " << name << "!" << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[41]% CC -LANG:std Array2.cpp -o Array2
mercury[43]% Array2
What's your name?
Bruce Lee
Hello! Bruce Lee!
3. Two dimensional integer array
Code listing:
// Author: Herbert Schildt
// Modified: Qiang Hu
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Array/Array3.cpp
// Purpose: Use sqrs[][] -- two dimentional integer
// array to store integers from 1 to 10 and
// their squares.
// Ask user for a number, then look up this
// number in the array and then print out its
// corresponding square.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// C++ allows for the initialization of arrays. In the following,
// we are initializing a 10x2 integer array. After initialization,
// sqrs[0][0] = 1
// sqrs[0][1] = 1
// sqrs[1][0] = 2
// sqrs[1][1] = 4
// and so on
int sqrs[10][2] = {
{1, 1},
{2, 4}, // The square of 2 is 4,and so on
{3, 9},
{4, 16},
{5, 25},
{6, 36},
{7, 49},
{8, 64},
{9, 81},
{10, 100}
int i, j;
cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 10: ";
cin >> i;
// look up i
for(j = 0; j < 10; j++)
if(sqrs[j][0] == i) break; // break from loop if i is found
cout << "The square of " << i << " is " ;
cout << sqrs[j][1] << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[66]% CC -LANG:std Array3.cpp -o Array3
mercury[67]% Array3
Enter a number between 1 and 10: 6
The square of 6 is 36
4. Two dimensional character array (Array of Strings)
Code Lising
// Author: Herbert Schildt
// Modified: Qiang Hu
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Array/Array4.cpp
// Purpose: A simple employee database program.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// function prototyping
int menu(); // funciton to display the menu
void enter(); // function to enter info
void report(); // function to print report
// Global variables:
char name[2][80]; // this array holds employee names
char phone[2][20]; // their phone numbers
float hours[2]; // hours worked per week
float wage[2]; // wage
int choice;
int main()
do {
choice = menu(); // get selection
switch(choice) {
case 0: break;
case 1: enter();
case 2: report();
default: cout << "Try again.\n\n";
} while(choice != 0);
return 0;
// Return a user's selection.
int menu()
int choice;
cout << "0. Quit\n";
cout << "1. Enter information\n";
cout << "2. Report information\n";
cout << "\nChoose one: ";
cin >> choice;
return choice;
// Enter information.
void enter()
int i;
for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
cout << "Enter last name: ";
cin >> name[i];
cout << "Enter phone number: ";
cin >> phone[i];
cout << "Enter number of hours worked: ";
cin >> hours[i];
cout << "Enter wage: ";
cin >> wage[i];
// Display report.
void report()
int i;
for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
cout << name[i] << ' ' << phone[i] << '\n';
cout << "Pay for the week: " << wage[i] * hours[i];
cout << '\n';
Running Session
mercury[81]% CC -LANG:std Array4.cpp -o Array4
mercury[82]% Array4
0. Quit
1. Enter information
2. Report information
Choose one: 1
Enter last name: Smith
Enter phone number: 5556666
Enter number of hours worked: 30
Enter wage: 23.40
Enter last name: Bush
Enter phone number: 6668888
Enter number of hours worked: 20
Enter wage: 40.00
0. Quit
1. Enter information
2. Report information
Choose one: 2
Smith 5556666
Pay for the week: 702
Bush 6668888
Pay for the week: 800
0. Quit
1. Enter information
2. Report information
Contents of this section:
- A simple program using pointers
- Pointer to characters
- Pointer arithmetic
- Array of pointers
1. A simple program using pointers
Code Listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Pointer/PointerSimple.cpp
// Purpose: A simple program demonstrating the use of pointers.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// declare an integer and a float variable
int IntNum;
float FloatNum;
// declare integer and float pointers
int *pIntNum;
float *pFloatNum;
// initialize the integer and float variables
IntNum = 10;
FloatNum = 12.34;
// store addresses in pointers
pIntNum = &IntNum;
pFloatNum = &FloatNum;
// print out the original values
cout << "Before increment: " << endl;
cout << "\t IntNum is: " << IntNum << endl;
cout << "\t FloatNum is: " << FloatNum << endl;
// note that we need to dereference a pointer in order
// to extract the value it contains.
cout << "\t pIntNum contains: " << *pIntNum << endl;
cout << "\t pFloatNum contains: " << *pFloatNum << endl;
// increment values of the integer and float variables
(*pIntNum)++; // dereference and then increment
// print out the values after increment
cout << "After increment: " << endl;
cout << "\t IntNum is: " << IntNum << endl;
cout << "\t FloatNum is: " << FloatNum << endl;
cout << "\t pIntNum contains: " << *pIntNum << endl;
cout << "\t pFloatNum contains: " << *pFloatNum << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[5]% CC -LANG:std PointerSimple.cpp -o PointerSimple
mercury[6]% PointerSimple
Before increment:
IntNum is: 10
FloatNum is: 12.34
pIntNum contains: 10
pFloatNum contains: 12.34
After increment:
IntNum is: 11
FloatNum is: 13.34
pIntNum contains: 11
pFloatNum contains: 13.34
2. Pointer to characters
Code listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Pointer/PointerChar.cpp
// Purpose: demonstrate the use of pointer to char
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h> // use <cstdio> for newer compilers.
using namespace std;
int main()
// a pointer to char is initialized with a string literal
char *Buffer = "Dummy content.";
cout << "Original content of Buffer:--> " << Buffer << endl;
cout << "Enter a sentense: " << endl;
// use gets() to get the whole line.
// cout would only get the first word.
cout << "Now the Buffer contains:--> " << endl;
cout << Buffer << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[156]% CC -LANG:std PointerChar.cpp -o PointerChar
mercury[10]% PointerChar
Original content of Buffer:--> Dummy content.
Enter a sentense:
This is my sentense!
Now the Buffer contains:-->
This is my sentense!
3. Pointer Arithmetic
Code listing:
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Pointer/PointerArith.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates pointer arithmetic
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int IntArray[10]; // array of int
int *pInt; // pointer to int
int i; // loop counter
// populate the int array with 1, 2, 3, ...
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
IntArray[i] = i+1;
// store the address of the first element of IntArray
//in pointer
pInt = IntArray;
// print out values in the int array
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << *pInt << ' ' ;
pInt++; // pointer arithmetic
// the above two lines could also be replaced with:
// cout << *(pInt++) << ' ' ;
cout << endl;
return 0;
Running session:
mercury[19]% CC PointerArith.cpp -LANG:std -o PointerArith
mercury[20]% PointerArith
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. Array of Pointers
Code Lising
// File name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/PointerArray.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates the use of array of pointers.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// initialize an array of char pointers with five fortunes
const char* const Fortune[5] =
{" Earth is a great funhouse without the fun.",
" There is always more hell that needs raising.",
" Confession is good for the soul, but bad for the career.",
" Live in a world of your own, but always welcome visitors.",
" The man who laughs has not yet been told the terrible news."
cout << "Here are the 5 fortunes: " << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << Fortune[i] << endl;
Running Session
mercury[121]% CC -LANG:std PointerArray.cpp -o PointerArray
mercury[122]% PointerArray
Here are the 5 fortunes:
Earth is a great funhouse without the fun.
There is always more hell that needs raising.
Confession is good for the soul, but bad for the career.
Live in a world of your own, but always welcome visitors.
The man who laughs has not yet been told the terrible news.
Class and object
Contents of this section:
- A simple program demonstrating C++ class
- Constructor
- Using inline initialization in constructor
- Copy constructor
- Destructor
1. A simple program demonstrating C++ class
Code Listing:
// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Class/SimpleClass.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates the use of a simple C++ class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class cl {
int i; // private by default
int get_i();
void put_i(int j);
int cl::get_i()
return i;
void cl::put_i(int j)
i = j;
int main()
cl s;
cout << s.get_i() <<endl;
return 0;
Running session:
@10:46am merc-hu[90]% CC -LANG:std SimpleClass.cpp -o SimpleClass
@10:46am merc-hu[91]% SimpleClass
@10:46am merc-hu[92]%
2. Constructor
Code listing:
// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Class/Constructor.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates the use of constructor in a C++ class
// Author: Ivor Horton, Beginning Visutal C++ 6
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Class to represent a box
class Box
double length;
double breadth;
double height;
// Constructor
Box(double lengthValue, double breadthValue, double heightValue)
cout << "Box constructor called" << endl;
length = lengthValue;
breadth = breadthValue;
height = heightValue;
// Function to calculate the volume of a box
double volume()
return length * breadth * height;
Running session:
@11:12am merc-hu[115]% CC -LANG:std Constructor.cpp -o Constructor
@11:13am merc-hu[116]% Constructor
Box constructor called
Size of first Box object is 80 by 50 by 40
Volume of first Box object is 160000
@11:13am merc-hu[117]%
3. Using inline initialization in constructor
Code Listing:
// File Name: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Class/Inline.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrates the use of initialization list in a constructor
// Author: Ivor Horton, Beginning Visutal C++ 6
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Class to represent a box
class Box
double length;
double breadth;
double height;
// Inline initialization
Box(double lv = 1.0, double bv = 1.0, double hv = 1.0):length(lv),
cout << "Box constructor called" << endl;
// Function to calculate the volume of a box
double volume()
return length * breadth * height;
int main()
Box firstBox(80.0, 50.0, 40.0);
// Calculate the volume of the box
double firstBoxVolume = firstBox.volume();
cout << endl;
cout << "Size of first Box object is "
<< firstBox.length << " by "
<< firstBox.breadth << " by "
<< firstBox.height
<< endl;
cout << "Volume of first Box object is " << firstBoxVolume
<< endl;
return 0;
Running session:
@9:48am merc-hu[132]% CC -LANG:std Inline.cpp -o Inline
@9:49am merc-hu[133]% Inline
Box constructor called
Size of first Box object is 80 by 50 by 40
Volume of first Box object is 160000
@9:49am merc-hu[134]%
4. Copy constructor
Code Listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Class/CopyCons.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrate the use of copy constructor in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class myclass {
int *p;
myclass(int i);
int getval() { return *p; }
myclass::myclass(int i)
cout << "Allocating p\n";
p = new int;
if(!p) {
cout << "Allocation failure.\n";
exit(1); // exit program if out of memory
*p = i;
cout << "Freeing p\n";
delete p;
// when this function is called, the copy constructor is called
void display(myclass ob)
cout << ob.getval() << '\n';
int main()
myclass a(10);
return 0;
Running session:
@10:17am merc-hu[153]% CC -LANG:std Copycons.cpp -o Copycons
@10:18am merc-hu[154]% Copycons
Allocating p
Freeing p
Freeing p
@10:36am merc-hu[155]%
5. Destructor
Code Listing:
// File: ~ftp/pub/class/cplusplus/Class/Destructor.cpp
// Purpose: Demonstrate the use of destructor in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
class myclass {
int *p;
myclass(int i);
int getval() { return *p; }
myclass::myclass(int i)
cout << "Allocating p\n";
p = new int;
if(!p) {
cout << "Allocation failure.\n";
exit(1); // exit program if out of memory
*p = i;
// use destructor to free memory
cout << "Freeing p\n";
delete p;
void display(myclass &ob)
cout << ob.getval() << '\n';
int main()
myclass a(10);
return 0;
Running session:
@10:43am merc-hu[157]% CC -LANG:std Destructor.cpp -o Destructor
@10:44am merc-hu[158]% Destructor
Allocating p
Freeing p
@10:44am merc-hu[159]%
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